End of the week

Wearing grandpa\'s hat

This is our first great-grandson Davon. I went to bingo with my wife last week because I was bored and ended up playing with him. His grand-mother has to watch him this sunday which is her and her mom’s bingo day. I told them I would come again this weekend just to watch him. Ain’t he a good looking boy! His mom and I had problems while she was growing up. Mostly because I did not know my job as a grand-parent. Grand-parents are not to raise the child but spoil the child. And that is something I enjoy doing. Can’t wait until he is older and we get him for the weekend, got plans for him and I.

One other thing that was on my mind. a retirer pastor that lives in the facility where I work asked me something the other day that has stayed on my mind. At the end of the day as I was going home I told him and his wife goodby and he asked if I had done a good job that day? Would they say; well done good and faithful servant. This made me stop and think. I told him I think I did my best at work that day, so yes I think you could say I was a good and faithful servant. But it made me think, this is a question we should ask ourselves at the end of each day. Did we do the best we could do? And if we were honest could we answer yes each day? I know I could not say yes each day. But I hope to ask myself that at the end of each week and be honest. It just makes sence to me. May be most don’t care I can’t say. But it sounds like a good idea to me.

Have a good weekend hope the weather is nice where you are and the sun shines down on you. 


One Response to “End of the week”

  1. visage76 Says:

    He is definitely a little cutie!

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