Archive for the ‘End of the week’ Category


June 6, 2008

For the past few weeks work has been hell. One thing after another with my new boss. He has never worked in a nursing home before let alone run one and does not have a clue what he is doing. I been thinking I need to go back to school and get my degree and get my licences to run a nursing home and see if I could. To be honest I believe I could, at least better than the boss I have now.

Well that’s all I got, have a good weekend and keep on doing what you think is best for you and forget the rest!!!!


End of the week….or is it?

May 2, 2008

Like I posted it’s been a wild and crazy week. Wed. a federal inspector came walking in and spend the day with us. Which means with me. A very short lady that was all business. This lady checked out places the state Fire Marshall didn’t even look at. At first wasn’t sure who she was and I had a attitude, once I understood she was federal, which means she has power to shut us down I chilled out and thankfully so did she. Received several citations which some staff did while she was there and some was our paper work she did not like. Was very unhappy at first but began to think, hey, she is doing her job! Which is to make sure of the safety of our residents.

With the AC work going on and all, I have 2.4 hours left to work this week which is not going to get it. I have to talk with my boss first thing because of the work with the AC and all, going to be some overtime. I do not mind but my boss’s boss does not like it. Not sure what they can do about it but we shall see. Maybe my boss will have to leave his office and get his hands dirty? He did when the new AC units came. Was a big truck load and I had no help to unload it. He didn’t like it, as he said ” I did not go to college to unload trucks.” Over all he is a good boss, as he leaves things to me which I like. Only thing is he seems to be afraid to make decisions. To be honest I like him but do not think he will last. Administrators come and go in the nursing home business but maintenance man are there until they either leave or retire. Hopefully the good Lord willing and the creeks don’t raise, this will be the last job I have until it’s time to relax and drive around the country. Which if my health holds out won’t be for another 17 years. Want to work until I am 70, good Lord willing.

Could go on and on but I think that is enough. Oh! Do I still like my job? Yep! Stressful at times but over all a good job. Take  it easy, or hard if that’s your bag and have a good weekend.

End of the week

April 5, 2008

Wearing grandpa\'s hat

This is our first great-grandson Davon. I went to bingo with my wife last week because I was bored and ended up playing with him. His grand-mother has to watch him this sunday which is her and her mom’s bingo day. I told them I would come again this weekend just to watch him. Ain’t he a good looking boy! His mom and I had problems while she was growing up. Mostly because I did not know my job as a grand-parent. Grand-parents are not to raise the child but spoil the child. And that is something I enjoy doing. Can’t wait until he is older and we get him for the weekend, got plans for him and I.

One other thing that was on my mind. a retirer pastor that lives in the facility where I work asked me something the other day that has stayed on my mind. At the end of the day as I was going home I told him and his wife goodby and he asked if I had done a good job that day? Would they say; well done good and faithful servant. This made me stop and think. I told him I think I did my best at work that day, so yes I think you could say I was a good and faithful servant. But it made me think, this is a question we should ask ourselves at the end of each day. Did we do the best we could do? And if we were honest could we answer yes each day? I know I could not say yes each day. But I hope to ask myself that at the end of each week and be honest. It just makes sence to me. May be most don’t care I can’t say. But it sounds like a good idea to me.

Have a good weekend hope the weather is nice where you are and the sun shines down on you.